Alpha-Gal Snack Attack: Your Guide to Allergy-Friendly Munchies

by sage scott

Living with alpha-gal syndrome doesn't mean you have to give up snacking. Let's dive into a world of munchies you can safely enjoy.

Fruits and veggies are always a safe bet. They're not just healthy — they're also incredibly versatile. Slice 'em, dice 'em, or eat 'em whole!

From almonds to walnuts, nuts and seeds are protein-packed snacks that you can enjoy in various forms — whole, ground into a butter, or even chocolate-dipped.

Granola bars can be AGS-friendly, just be sure to read the label to watch for any hidden triggers and look for options that are high in protein and low in sugar.

Homemade protein bites are a quick and easy snack. Store them in the fridge and grab one when the hunger pangs hit.

Traditional jerky may be off-limits, but chicken options like sriracha protein bars and honey barbeque chicken jerky can be tasty alpha-gal safe options.

Alpha-gals who tolerate dairy can enjoy yogurts and cheeses for a snack. And alpha-gals following a dairy-free diet can select plant-based options.

Craving something sweet? Dark chocolate and vegan candies offer a guilt-free way to satisfy your sweet tooth without an allergic reaction.

Ready to snack without worry? Click to read the full article for a comprehensive list of alpha-gal friendly munchies!