How to Order Vegan Hot Chocolate at Starbucks

Hot chocolate has a fascinating past, from a bitter beverage sipped in ancient Mayan rituals to your local Starbucks.

Is all chocolate vegan? Not quite. But with the right know-how, you can indulge in vegan chocolate bliss.

The secret to vegan hot chocolate? Start with vegan dark chocolate, a safe sweetener, and your choice of plant-based milk.

At Starbucks, swap out dairy milk for almond, coconut, oat, or soy milk to veganize your favorite hot chocolate.

If you want to avoid carrageenan, opt for either oat or almond milk at Starbucks. This keeps your cup both vegan and alpha-gal safe.

Remember to hold the whipped cream on your Starbucks hot chocolate to ensure your cup is dairy-free.

For a DIY version, Starbucks Double Chocolate Hot Cocoa Mix is a vegan-friendly option to make a cup of vegan hot chocolate at home.

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