The Cheese Conundrum: Vegetarian or Not?

Think cheese is vegetarian? Think again! Dive into the dairy dilemma and discover why some cheeses might not fit into a vegetarian or alpha-gal diet.

While vegetarian diets can include animal products like eggs, honey, and milk — foods produced without the need to end an animal’s life — cheese presents a more complex scenario.

The potential issue with cheese? Animal rennet. Extracted from young ruminants' stomachs, it's an important component of traditional cheesemaking.

While animal rennet gives many cheeses its texture and flavor, it poses serious health risks for alpha gals and ethical concerns for vegetarians.

For those avoiding products that result in the animal’s death, cheeses with traditional rennet are a no-go. Alpha gals must be particularly cautious.

Good news! There are mammal-free rennet cheeses available, offering safe choices for vegetarians and alpha gals.

Curious about vegetarian-friendly cheese options? Click to learn more and make informed cheese choices!