Alpha-Gal Food List: What You CAN Eat!

A Guide to Allergy-Friendly Foods

Tired of focusing on what you can't eat? Let's talk about what you CAN eat with alpha-gal syndrome.

Fruits and veggies are all safe, so enjoy a colorful plate!

From black-eyed peas to chickpeas, beans, lentils, and legumes are all alpha-gal friendly.

Whether raw, roasted, or turned into butter, nuts and seeds are alpha-gal safe.

Whether you're craving oatmeal, quinoa, or rice, grains are good to go for alpha-gals.

Plant-based cooking oils like olive and peanut oil are safe for people with alpha-gal syndrome.

Fins and feathers are fine! So you can still enjoy eggs, poultry, fish, and seafood with alpha-gal syndrome.

If dairy is a no-go, plant-based milks are a great option.

Get a detailed list of alpha-gal friendly foods here.